Main Content

This would be the place to play around with all the cards, blocks and other components you can look up in the documentation on:

The location of the "side bar" can easily be changed or transformed into a sliding menu.

Please take a look into the .htaccess file contained in this download. It sets the caching header to 7+ days, as suggested by Google!

The CSS is inlined in the header. It is probably too big for it, but Google seems to like it. However: it would make more sense to work further on the critical path of this page and put some of the CSS in a cached external file!

I am hosting this template on via Cloudflare. If you use a CDN like this, it is important to set the caching time high!

At the bottom of the source, you will find a piece of Javascript, that
  • Defers the loading of JQuery
  • Calls the myInit() function after JQuery is available
  • Fills the mobile menu from the desktop menu to avoid duplicate entries
Side Menu
You may put your sub-navigation here.